2023-2024 School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome goals for this academic year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance

  • 2023-2024
  • Centre Ridge Elementary School
  • Region 4
  • Dr. Jennifer Hertzberg, Principal

English Language Arts Strategies


 Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in English Language Arts.


As measured by a CRES-created Oracy Continuum, 100% of CRES students will improve their communication skills in at least one area through their participation in oral language opportunities embedded throughout the day and across content areas.

Strategy 1

  • Improve use of interactive read alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students’ lived experiences.

Strategy 2

  • Expand use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills.

Strategy 3

  • Strengthen systematic and explicit writing instruction and provide opportunities to write throughout the day.


 Mathematics Strategies


 Ensure students are making sufficient progress to be on grade level in Mathematics.

Measurable Outcome: 

By Spring 2024, the number of students in grades K-6 demonstrating on-grade level ability will increase by 10% as measured by EMAS and iReady. 

  • K students will increase from 78% achieving EMAS benchmark in Spring 2023 to 88% achieving EMAS benchmark in Spring 2024. (will be updated by November 1 with Fall 2023 EMAS data) 
  • 1st grade students will increase from 50% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 60% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 
  • 2nd grade students will increase from 61% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 71% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 
  • 3rd grade students will increase from 43% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 53% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 
  • 4th grade students will increase from 44% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 54% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 
  • 5th grade students will increase from 38% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 48% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 
  • 6th grade students will increase from 50% achieving iReady benchmark in Fall 2023 to 60% achieving benchmark in Spring 2024. 

Strategy 1

  • Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2 

  • Schedule ESOL teacher ELD instruction during math instructional time.

Strategy 3

  • Increase teacher implementation of math workshop structures to allow for effective targeted, small group instruction.



Measurable Outcome:

By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, at least 61% of fifth grade students, according to the unadjusted pass rate, will demonstrate mastery as indicated on the Virginia SOL, meeting or exceeding a score of 400. 

(This is an increase of over 5% unadjusted from the previous year.)

Strategy 1

  • Schedule ESOL teacher push-in for ELD instruction during science instructional time (elementary)

Strategy 2

  • Increase content and/or pedagogy knowledge in science for all teachers (advanced, general, ESOL, special education)

Strategy 3

  • Increase frequency of student learning experiences that are inquiry-based and hands-on


Chronic Absenteeism

Measurable Outcome: 

By June 2024, Centre Ridge Staff will make progress on our ABCs (Attendance, Behavior, and Culturally Responsive Instruction) in the following ways: -Reduction of chronic absenteeism, Tier 2, by 10%, and Tier 3 by 5% as measured using SIS data. 

Secondary to these efforts, but equally as important to our school, we will increase teacher efficacy in two areas: 

1.) Managing student behavior as measured by a CRES-created efficacy survey. 

2.) Implementation of culturally responsive pedagogy reflected on a self-reported Culturally Responsive Teaching Checklist (adapted from Re-Imagining Migration and using FCPS Performance Standard 6: Culturally Responsive and Equitable Teaching Practices).


Strategy 1

  • Strengthen school team practices to monitor attendance data and determine need for intervention and additional support.

Strategy 2

  • Create a school culture of engagement & belonging for students and families. Every staff, student, and family will feel safe and connected to the school community.

Strategy 3

  • Access to Rigor: Provide responsive instruction (supports and scaffolds) within rigorous Tier 1 learning opportunities